Land Body Scape IV

“Land Body Scape” defines the (stage) space by a universal dance and music language paired with film and light installations. The content is based on the complex interplay of sovereign characters. Their conclusions are manifesting in specific dance styles. The content is spoken in text fragments of contemporary poems and is supported and contrasted by film sequences (“Art & Space”, Duncan Ward/Gabriella Cardazzo).

Over many years, Sebastian Prantl has developed specific improvisation techniques (flash-back technique) out of the syntax of the post-modernist theatre, which bring the authenticity of theatre (dance) events to the fore and enable the protagonists to gain essential insights into their artistic potential. The lively, differentiated atmosphere of Sebastian Prantl’s working methods is based on the exchange of experience and the intensive perception of the other participants. Curiosity and the desire to perform bring protagonists of all ages and with the most diverse training together in superordinate choreographic structures. The choreographer’s leitmotif and concern is self-discovery (the development and expansion of one’s own language of dance). […]”
[Rolf Woltron]

concept/choreography: Sebastian Prantl
music concept/piano: Cecilia Li
dancers: Matteo Bologna, Soledad Steinhardt, Sara Simeoni, Manuel Wagner, Nikos Kamondos, Radek Hewelt, Jonathan Pranlas, Martin Török, Stéphanie Bouillaud, Katharina Meves…
coordination: Tanja Brunelik, Karoline Gallè

[Performance in the Arsenal, Wien, July 2005]


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